Mimesis joins SMAU 2022
Mimesis Srl, a Sicilian start-up, spin-off of the University of Catania, is among the companies selected to join the SMAU event in Milan on October 11 and 12.The roadshow, repeated every year since 1964, brings together the best Italian and international start-ups that stand out for innovation and sustainability.Mimesis thus completes the shortlist of participating companies in the Health and Wellness sector.The objective of Mimesis is to propose in silico solutions: through the use of a computational simulator, it is able to reproduce almost completely the reaction of the immune system in the presence not only of viruses, bacteria and tumours, but also of pharmacological treatments.Professor Francesco Pappalardo and Dr Giulia Russo, founding partners of Mimesis, say they are pleased with this participation: “We are very happy to have the opportunity to take part in this event: it is an excellent showcase, which will allow Mimesis to be known not only in Italy, but also in the rest of the world.”Here, the details of the event: https://www.smau.it/?gclid=CjwKCAjwm8WZBhBUEiwA178UnK0V36EojQBaTe5VeYqsOw1JT7FxZ9LfrJFy_EJuJLItEL1476881hoCUxoQAvD_BwE